Have you ever wondered what your mates do for you? They offer advice, are at hand when you need them, are great to have a laugh with – but have they ever won you a car?
That’s exactly what mates of Adam Internet’s customers have been able to do!
Adam Internet has always thanked AdamEzyChoice customers that referred a mate, but recently this has been taken even further. During their recent campaign, existing customers were encouraged to refer their mates to Adam Internet and once connected to AdamEzyChoice on a 24 month contract, both the existing customer and their mate would go into the draw to win a Holden Barina Spark CD, provided by City Holden. If that’s not enough both customers also received $50 AdamRewards – credit on a customers’ account to use at anytime.
Greg Hicks, Executive Chairman and founder of Adam Internet explains, “We wanted to do something that rewarded our loyal customer base. We already give existing AdamEzyChoice customers $25 AdamRewards credit if they refer a mate, so we wanted to do more. The mate’s campaign is ideal as it rewards both - our loyal customers, plus new customers that connect to Adam Internet”.
Customers automatically received the $50 AdamRewards credit and were entered into the draw when they or their mate connected. In order to keep the draw fair and build momentum between new and existing customers, Adam Internet has run a series of preliminary draws. At each preliminary draw, two eligible customers are selected and shortlisted for the principal car draw. This means that as customers referred more mates, they have an opportunity to not only receive additional AdamRewards, but also receive another entry into the draw.
Join Craig Annis of SAFM to see who will win the car
The fun doesn’t end there. Each shortlisted customer is invited to Rundle Mall to select a key – and the key that unlocks the car wins. On 24th November at 12:30pm, the fourteen shortlisted customers will gather at Rundle Mall - each excited by the chance that they may win the car.
The SAFM crew will be joining the Adam Internet team at Rundle Mall on November 24th. SAFM’s own Craig Annis (from Hayley, Craig and Rabbit) will MC the event as well as live crosses during the day. Along with the presence of the SAFM Street Team, and some fun giveaways it promises to be a fantastic day for all!
Greg Hicks concludes, “Winning a car is a big deal. We wanted to make this even more exciting for our customers involved and also create a lot of fun in the heart of Adelaide. I can’t yet disclose everything that will be happening at Rundle Mall, as we want to keep some surprises, but we invite everyone to come down and join in”.