Whirlpool is an independent Australian user broadband website. It contains relevant information about current broadband providers and houses active forums which cover a wide range of Internet and other IT related topics. Whirlpool is a great resource for customers looking for assistance or information on anything IT related including latest gadgets, home entertainment and iPhone apps. 

Whirlpool is running their annual Australian Broadband Survey. This comprehensive survey is run by users, for users. Through this survey, Whirlpool gives consumers a strong voice to say how they feel about the general state of broadband in Australia, and specific experiences with their provider.

Adam Internet believes this survey will help build an accurate picture of customer perceptions of the broadband market within Australia. For your chance to have your say and participate, simply click on the link below and it will take you directly to the survey which takes about 10 minutes to complete.

And if you are not already a member of Whirlpool, you will be able to sign up for free when clicking through to begin the survey.


We look forward to sharing the survey report with you in a future edition of Newsbytes.

Please Note: Adam Internet is in no way involved with the commissioning of this survey and do not have any access to participant’s details. The public report is all that is made available and all ISP’s listed in the survey are treated as equal third parties.