Customer Research

Dear Customer,

Following our online survey conducted last year, we are looking to dig deeper and understand in more detail the requirements of our customers.

In order to do this, we will be inviting a number of our customers to take part in focus group research. The focus groups will be conducted by an independent research house, Square Holes.

Square Holes is an independent research company based in Adelaide (all aspects of research conducted by Square Holes complies with ISO 20252 for market, opinion and social research and all research is conducted in accordance with the AMSRS code of professional behaviour).  They will be hosting the focus groups and may call you over the next week or so to invite you to attend these sessions.

Square Holes will select at random customers to invite, so you may not receive a call from them. If you are selected and would like to attend one of the sessions, they will discuss all the details with you. We would like to emphasise that all information provided as part of this process will remain confidential and will not be divulged to other parties.

We would like to thank any customers in advance who decide to attend these sessions.

If you do have any questions please ask Square Holes when they contact you or email us at




Adam Internet